Today, we are sharing short essay on Volcano in English. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Volcano in English. These 10 sentences about Volcano for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this paragraph about Volcano is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on Volcano is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.
Short essay on Volcano in English
- A volcano is a hole in the earth through which the process of coming out of the lava, ash, gas and water vapor located in the ground is called a volcano.
- There are mainly three types of volcanoes.
- Volcanoes of erupting nature are considered the most dangerous.
- These are highly destructive, their arrival causes severe earthquakes.
- The core inside the Earth consists of molten lava, which is in motion due to extreme heat.
- This lava tries to come out from the core of the earth and where the layer of soil is thin at some place then lava starts coming out from that place.
- The lava ejected from a volcano is molten stone.
- The best way to prevent volcanoes is to maintain the natural balance, which includes planting more and more trees.
- The balance of nature can be maintained through trees.
- Volcanoes occur not only on Earth but also on other planets of the universe.
- The process of ejecting fire lava, ash, smoke, gas, etc. from inside the earth in the form of an explosion is called a volcano.
- Volcanoes are generally classified into two categories: active volcanoes and calm volcanoes.
- An active volcano is a volcano from which lava comes out every few days or months.
- A calm volcano is a volcano that has ejected lava only once and since then the lava has not come out for many years.
- To date, there are more than 1500 volcanoes in the world, of which 500 are active volcanoes.
- St. Helens Volcano is the most active volcano in the world and is located in America.
- More than 80% of the Earth’s surface is made up of volcanic eruptions.
- Volcanoes are worshiped in many countries of the world.
- There is only one active volcanic region in India which is located on Barren Island.
- Volcanoes emit a lot of carbon dioxide.
- A volcano is a natural phenomenon, in which fire lava comes out from underground on the surface.
- This lava cools down and turns into clay or stone.
- This place takes the form of a mountain or a mound due to continuous lava coming out and spreading around.
- And in the center of this mountain or mound, a tunnel is formed to the core of the earth.
- The world’s most dangerous volcano is Kilauea, which is located on the island of Hawaii.
- The mouth of the volcano is called the crater.
- The molten rock and gas present at the bottom of a volcano is called “magma”.
- Olympus Mons on Mars is the largest volcano in the Solar System.
- In 1902, 30,000 people were killed when a volcano erupted on the French continent of Martinique.
- Our atmosphere was formed from the gas released due to volcanic eruptions.
F.A.Q ( Frequently Asked Questions )
- What is a Volcano?
- What is lava emanating from a volcano?
- Where is the volcano located in India?
- What is a volcano called in Hindi?
A volcano is a natural phenomenon, in which fire lava comes out from underground on the surface.
The molten rock and gas present at the bottom of the volcano is called “magma” which comes to the surface in the form of lava.
There is only one active volcanic region in India which is located on Barren Island.
The volcano is called Jwalamukhi ( ज्वालामुखी ) in Hindi.
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