10 Lines On Rakesh Sharma In English – Short Essay On Rakesh Sharma

Today, we are sharing short essay on Rakesh Sharma in English. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

Short Essay On Rakesh Sharma In English

Short Essay On Rakesh Sharma In English

  1. Rakesh Sharma was India’s first astronaut.
  2. He was born on 13 January 1949.
  3. He served as a pilot in the Indian Air Force.
  4. He traveled to space in 1984.
  5. He traveled on a vehicle named Soyuz T-11.
  6. He was in space for a total of 7 days, 21 hours, and 40 minutes.
  7. He was also a scientist and conducted many experiments in space.
  8. He described India from space as ‘better than all places’.
  9. He practiced yoga during his travels.
  10. He now lives in Coonoor district of Tamil Nadu.

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5 Lines On Rakesh Sharma In English

  1. Rakesh Sharma was a brave pilot.
  2. He brought glory to India in space.
  3. He worked in the field of space science.
  4. He practiced yoga in space.
  5. He now resides in Tamil Nadu.

Short Essay On Rakesh Sharma In English

Short Essay On Rakesh Sharma In English

FAQ – Rakesh Sharma ( English )

Q. Who is Rakesh Sharma?

Ans: Rakesh Sharma was India’s first astronaut.

Q. On which vehicle did Rakesh Sharma travel?

Ans: He traveled on a vehicle named Soyuz T-11.

Q. How long was Rakesh Sharma in space?

Ans: He was in space for a total of 7 days, 21 hours, and 40 minutes.

Q. What did Rakesh Sharma do in space?

Ans: He worked in the field of science in space and practiced yoga.

Q. Where does Rakesh Sharma live now?

Ans: He now lives in Coonoor district of Tamil Nadu.

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