10 lines on international yoga day in english – 10 lines on yoga day english mien

Today, we are sharing short essay on International yoga day in English. This article can help the students who are looking for information about International yoga day in English. These 10 lines about International yoga day for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this paragraph about International yoga day is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on International yoga day is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

international yoga day essay

Short essay on International yoga day in English – International yoga day par 10 line English mein


  1. The main aim of our lives is to be successful in life and to be healthy before and after success.
  2. Regular practice of yoga is very important for a successful and healthy life.
  3. You can enjoy your success only when you are healthy. Otherwise, life will remain dull even after success.
  4. In view of the importance of yoga, Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21st all over the world.
  5. This day started in the year 2015.
  6. India is the country’s biggest contributor to celebrating International Yoga Day at the world level.
  7. In the General Assembly of the United Nations, our Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, suggested celebrating Yoga Day.
  8. And by passing this resolution, the United Nations declared to celebrate this day every year.
  9. Today, people all over the world understand the importance of yoga and practice yoga regularly in their homes.
  10. There is no fixed place or time for doing yoga, it can be done when you have time.


  1. International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21st all over the world.
  2. The main purpose of celebrating this day is to make people aware of yoga.
  3. The beginning of celebrating this day started in the year 2015.
  4. The proposal to celebrate this day was first made by the Prime Minister of India, Shri Narendra Modi, in the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 27, 2014.
  5. After that, after discussing this proposal by the United Nations and after bringing a resolution, June 21 was declared International Yoga Day every year.
  6. Yoga is very important for us. By doing yoga, both our body and mind remain healthy.
  7. If we start our day with yoga, then we can easily complete our work without getting tired throughout the day.
  8. The person who does yoga finds that his body is agile and his mind remains calm.
  9. The practice of yoga is very important for the good health of the body.
  10. A person doing yoga never gets sick and is always ahead in their work.


  1. Yoga is a physical exercise that makes our bodies healthy and agile.
  2. In yoga, we do everything from pranayama to asana, meditation, etc.
  3. Yoga has eight major components: Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
  4. Most people do pranayama and asanas in yoga.
  5. In Pranayama, by focusing on the breath action, the breath is done in and out in the right way.
  6. Pranayama strengthens our respiratory function, which prevents respiratory diseases.
  7. During the coronavirus epidemic, the practice of yoga was heavy on the coronavirus and the people doing yoga did not fall prey to it.
  8. There are a total of 21 asanas in yoga, in which Ardha-chandrashan, Bhujang-asana, Bal-asana, Gomukh-asana, etc. are prominent.
  9. Asana has great importance in yoga; it makes our bones strong and our bodies flexible.
  10. International Yoga Day is celebrated every year on June 21st all over the world with the aim of making people aware of yoga and its importance.

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