10 lines on Hospital in English – Short essay on Hospital

Today, we are sharing ten lines essay on Hospital. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Hospital in English. This essay is very simple and easy to remember. The level of this essay is moderate so any students can write on this topic. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

short essay on Hospital

10 lines on Hospital in English

  1. Hospital is a place where sick and injured people are treated.
  2. There are two types of hospitals, government and private, people are treated in both these places.
  3. The only difference between a private and a government hospital is that
  4. People get free treatment in government hospitals and treatment is done by taking money in private hospitals.
  5. Hospital is a boon for sick people.
  6. Doctors and nurses work day and night to treat sick people in the hospital.
  7. Special care is taken of cleanliness in the hospital because diseases spread due to filth.
  8. The people of the area where there is no hospital, people have to face many problems.
  9. People have to go to big cities for their treatment, sometimes they even die due to not getting treatment on time.
  10. Many schemes are working by the Government of India in this area, including free treatment of people and arrangement of the hospital in a rural areas, etc.

Children in school, are often asked to write 10 lines about Hospital in English. We help the students to do their homework in an effective way. If you liked this article, then please comment below and tell us how you liked it. We use your comments to further improve our service. We hope you have got some learning on the above subject. You can also visit my YouTube channel that is https://www.youtube.com/synctechlearn.You can also follow us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/synctechlearn.


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