Today, we are sharing short essay on cleanliness is next to godliness in English. This article can help the students who are looking for information about cleanliness is next to godliness in English. These 10 sentences about cleanliness is next to godliness for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this paragraph about cleanliness is next to godliness is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on cleanliness is next to godliness is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.
10 lines on cleanliness is next to godliness in English – Short essay on cleanliness is next to godliness in English – Few lines on cleanliness is next to godliness
- Cleanliness is very important in our lives.
- “Cleanliness” means keeping our surroundings clean.
- Our life will not be successful just by keeping our surroundings and our clothes clean.
- Rather, we need to keep our minds clean as well.
- Cleanliness is more than devotion. This statement is absolutely true.
- Whenever we go to the temple to do devotion, we go there completely clean and after taking a bath.
- But just by taking a bath and cleaning our clothes, our minds will not be clean.
- So we have to create good qualities in ourselves.
- The feelings of jealousy and all bad feelings have to be eradicated from our lives.
- Doing this in the true sense will purify us.
- Cleanliness plays an important role in our lives.
- Cleanliness keeps us healthy.
- Staying clean never makes us sick.
- Cleanliness means not only our healthy bodies but also our minds and thoughts being clean.
- Thus, a healthy body and positive thoughts bring in us the feeling of devotion.
- Therefore, cleanliness is considered more important than devotion.
- Because a clean-minded person automatically follows the path of devotion.
- A person with clean and positive thoughts builds a clean society.
- A society made up of people with positive thoughts is crime-free and clean.
- We all should inculcate such a sense of cleanliness in us.
- We need to keep our surroundings and our bodies and minds clean.
- The person who values cleanliness in himself or herself achieves success early in life.
- A person who wears clean clothes has more respect in society.
- So we need to make our personalities neat and clean in society.
- So that, seeing our cleanliness, other people can also take inspiration from us.
- The tendency of man is such that he learns more by watching others.
- Therefore, if we start cleanliness by ourselves, then its publicity will automatically spread to the people.
- By staying clean and healthy, our body also remains healthy. We never get ill.
- If our body and mind are clean, then the feeling of devotion develops automatically in us.
- Therefore, cleanliness is considered more important than devotion.
F.A.Q ( Frequently Asked Questions )
- Why is cleanliness important to us?
The person who gives importance to cleanliness in himself, that person becomes successful early in life.
- What are the benefits of cleanliness?
By staying clean and clean, our body also remains healthy, we never fall ill.
- What should we do for cleanliness?
We have to keep our surroundings clean and clean as well.
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