10 lines on Uranus Planet in English – Short essay on Uranus Planet in English – Few lines on Uranus Planet

Today, we are sharing short essay on Uranus Planet in English. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Uranus Planet in English. These 10 sentences about Uranus Planet for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this paragraph about Uranus Planet is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on Uranus Planet is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

10 lines on uranus planet in english

10 lines on Uranus Planet in English – Short essay on Uranus Planet in English – Few lines on Uranus Planet


  1. Arun completes one revolution on its axis in 17 hours and 30 minutes.
  2. Uranus is the third largest planet in the solar system.
  3. Arun is spread over a radius of 25,362 km.
  4. Winds blow at a speed of 900 km per hour.
  5. A day on the planet Uranus is about 17.4 hours.
  6. Due to the abundance of methane gas on the planet Uranus, it rains diamonds here.
  7. Due to the abundance of ice on the planet Uranus, it is called the Irish Joint.
  8. The Bontrager spacecraft has been sent by the US to the planet Uranus.
  9. It has been discovered before the continent of Antarctica.
  10. The density of the planet Uranus is 1.27 g/cm3.

F.A.Q ( Frequently Asked Questions )

    1. What is the color of the planet Uranus?

The planet Uranus appears blue when viewed from space or from Earth.

    1. What is the distance of the planet Uranus from the Sun?

The distance of the planet Uranus from the Sun is about 287 crore kilometers.

    1. How far is the planet Uranus from Earth?

The distance of the planet Uranus from Earth is about 1.6 billion miles away.

Small students in school, are often asked to write 10 lines about Uranus Planet in English. We help the students to do their homework in an effective way. If you liked this article, then please comment below and tell us how you liked it. We use your comments to further improve our service. We hope you have got some learning on the above subject that was 10 sentences about Uranus Planet. You can also visit my YouTube channel which is https://www.youtube.com/synctechlearn.You can also follow us on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/synctechlearn.


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