10 lines on Papaya in English – Short essay on Papaya in English

Today, we are sharing short essay on Papaya in English. This article can help the students who are looking for information about Papaya in English. These 10 sentences about Papaya for class 2 is very simple and easy to understand. The level of this paragraph about Papaya is medium so any student can write on this topic. This short essay on Papaya is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

10 lines on papaya in english

10 lines on Papaya in English – Few lines on Papaya


  1. Papaya is a type of fruit which is found all over the world.
  2. Nutrients present in papaya act as medicine.
  3. Papaya grows in trees that are tall.
  4. The fruits and leaves are at the top end of the papaya tree.
  5. When papaya is unripe, its color is green and when ripe, its color becomes yellow.
  6. It is used both when papaya is raw and ripe.
  7. Consumption of papaya is very beneficial for our body.
  8. Papaya increases appetite and strength.
  9. In a serious disease like jaundice, the doctor advises us to eat papaya.
  10. Papaya is considered a good source of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E.

F.A.Q ( Frequently Asked Questions )

    1. What is papaya?

Papaya is a type of fruit found all over the world.

    1. What are the benefits of eating papaya?

There are many health benefits of eating papaya, it increases immunity in our body.

    1. Papaya is beneficial for which disease?

It is very beneficial for serious diseases like jaundice.

    1. What is papaya called in Hindi?

Papaya is called Papita ( पपीता ) in Hindi.

    1. Which vitamin is found in papaya?

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A are found in abundance in papaya.

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