10 Lines On Fog In English – Short Essay On Fog

Today, we are sharing short essay on Fog in English. This article is generally useful for class 1, class 2, and class 3.

Short Essay On Fog In English


Short Essay On Fog In English

  1. Fog is basically a kind of cloud that develops near the Earth’s surface.
  2. Fog consists of small water droplets or ice particles, which float in the air.
  3. Fog forms when warm and moist air meets cold air.
  4. Objects far away from fog appear blurry because fog particles scatter light.
  5. Fog causes problems in traffic because fog reduces visibility.
  6. Smog also increases air pollution, because dust, smoke and other pollutants are trapped in smog.
  7. Smog causes breathing problems for people, especially those who have asthma or other respiratory diseases.
  8. To avoid smog, we should cover our mouth and nose before going out in the smog.
  9. Before going out in the fog, we should switch on the headlights and fog lights of our vehicle.
  10. Before going out in the fog, we should reduce the speed of our vehicle, and stay away from other vehicles.

5 Lines On Fog In English

  1. Fog is essentially a cloud that shapes itself near the Earth’s surface.
  2. Fog consists of small particles of water or ice.
  3. Fog is formed by the mixing of cold and moist air.
  4. Objects that are far away from fog appear blurry.
  5. Smog affects traffic and health.
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FAQ – Fog ( English )

Q. What is the difference between mist and fog?

Ans: Both mist and fog are clouds that form close to the ground, but mist consists of water droplets or ice particles, while fog consists of ice particles only.


Q. How is fog formed?

Ans: Fog forms when warm and moist air meets cold air. Due to this, the water vapor present in the moist air gets cooled and forms small water droplets or ice particles, which float in the air.


Q. What diseases can be caused by smog?

Ans: Smog causes breathing problems for people, especially those who have asthma or other respiratory diseases. Dust, smoke and other pollutants get trapped in smog, which harms the respiratory system.


Q. How can fog be avoided?

Ans: To avoid smog, we should cover our mouth and nose before going out in the smog, so that we can breathe easier. We should light the headlights and fog lights of our vehicle so that we can see the way. We should reduce the speed of our vehicles, and stay away from other vehicles so that accidents do not happen.


Q. What effect does smog have on nature?

Ans: Smog also affects nature. Mist provides water to plants, which is essential for their life. But smog also contains pollution, which harms plants.


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